Raccoon vs Possum: What Are The Differences?

How To Identify If Its A Raccoon Or Possum In Your House

The living things that nature has given us are very diverse and each one is specially fit to its surroundings. The raccoon and the possum, two nocturnal mammals that share the same life patterns yet have unique traits, are among the curious animals which make up our ecosystems. We’ll explore the basic differences between raccoons and possums in this blog, highlighting their physical characteristics, habits, habitats, and ecological functions so that you can easily identify possums and take necessary measures for possum removal.

Raccoon vs Possum What Are The Differences

Scientific NameProcyon lotorVarious species (e.g., Didelphis spp.)
Native RangeNorth America+AustraliaAmericas+Australia
Physical AppearanceMedium-sized mammals with grey furSmaller marsupials with grey or brown fur
TailLong, bushy tail with alternating ringsA long, hairless, and prehensile tail
DietOmnivorous – eats plants, fruits, insects, small mammals, etc.Omnivorous – eats fruits, insects, small mammals, etc.
Nocturnal or DiurnalNocturnal (active at night)Nocturnal (active at night)
Climbing AbilitiesExcellent climbers and tree-dwellersGood climbers, aided by a prehensile tail
HabitatWoodlands, forests, urban areasForests, grasslands, urban areas
ReproductionGive birth to 2-5 cubs in the springGive birth to multiple tiny, underdeveloped young (joeys)
PouchNo pouchFemales have a pouch to carry and nurse young
LifespanTypically 12-13 years in the wildTypically 5-6 years in the wild
BehaviourIntelligent, curious, and adaptableTimid and shy, often plays dead when threatened

Physical Features

  • Raccoons:

The medium-sized mammals known as raccoons are identified by their unique black “mask” marks around their eyes and large, ringed tails. They have a strong body covered in thick, dark greyish-black fur. They use their five long, flexible front paws, which are like hands, to control things and food.

  • Possums:

Possums, often known as opossums in North America and Possum in Australia, are part of a separate group and have aggressive features. They have a pointed face, an extended snout, and a pink, hairless tail. They are smaller than raccoons. They have big, rounded ears and grey to brown fur that varies in colour.


  • Raccoons:

Raccoons are very vibrant and flexible animals. They eat a variety of foods, including fruits, nuts, insects, small animals, and even leftover human food. They are omnivorous. Raccoons are renowned for their skill and can swim, climb trees, and open locks with ease. Although generally nocturnal, they can also be active at dawn and dusk.

  • Possums:

Possums have fewer minds than raccoons and live alone. They are opportunistic feeders who primarily eat carrion, fruits, and insects. Hunters lose interest due to this impulsive response, which allows the possum to run away.


  • Raccoons:

Raccoons are extremely versatile and can be found in various habitats, including marshes, woodlands, urban areas, and suburban regions. Due to their superb swimming abilities and enjoyment in foraging for aquatic species, they prefer locations with access to water sources.

  • Possums:

Possums live in a variety of settings, such as meadows, cities, and forests. They build nests in trees, logs, and brush piles, although they have also been observed taking refuge in abandoned animal caves or burrows.

Effect on the Environment:

  • Raccoons:

As seed dispersers, raccoons are vital to the environment. They help in the spreading of seeds and support the regrowth of forests by consuming fruits and nuts. They also assist in reducing rodent and bug populations, which is advantageous to both people and other species.

  • Possums:

Possums support the ecosystem by eating a lot of insects, including dangerous pests. They can help clean up carrion as hunters, lowering the danger of disease spread. Possums additionally contribute to the stability of the food chain by serving as prey for a variety of animals.

Reproduction and Life Cycle:

  • Raccoons:

The breeding season for raccoons is in the late winter or early spring. After a gestation period of around 63 days, female raccoons typically give birth to a litter of 2 to 5 kits. The mother tends to her fragile and blind kits in a den or nesting place, eventually exposing them to the outer world as they mature. The young raccoons grow more independent after weaning at roughly 2-3 months and may leave their mother’s area after 6–9 months.

  • Possums:

Female possums can reproduce at any time of the year and have shorter reproductive cycles than other mammals. They typically have a gestation period of about 16 to 18 days. After this short gestation period, the underdeveloped young, called “joeys,” are born and crawl into the mother’s pouch, where they continue their development while nursing and receiving nourishment from the mother’s milk. The little possums ride on their mother’s back after escaping from the bag at about 2-3 months, where they continue to receive care and protection. Little possums are self-sufficient by 6-7 months of age and begin to create their territories.

Raccoon versus Possum: An Analysis of Threat Responses

When comparing raccoons and possums, it’s essential to understand their distinct approaches to dealing with threats. Raccoons, known for their intelligence and adaptability, typically exhibit a mix of defensive and offensive responses when confronted by a threat. They may stand their ground and show aggression or attempt to escape if the situation allows.

In contrast, possums, often seen as more passive creatures, rely heavily on their unique defence mechanism – “playing dead” or feigning death. When faced with danger, possums may freeze, become limp, and emit a foul-smelling secretion to deter predators. While both raccoons and possums have developed strategies to cope with threats, their responses differ significantly, showcasing the diversity of survival tactics in the animal kingdom.

The Similarities Between Possums and Raccoons

While raccoons and possums differ significantly, they still share several things in common, particularly when it comes to their ecological roles and habits. Let’s look at some characteristics that these two nocturnal creatures have in common:

  • Raccoons and possums are both nocturnal animals, which means that they are most active at night.
  • They both consume various meals that include fruits, insects, and small animals.
  • Possums and raccoons are skilled climbers and make use of trees for food and shelter.
  • They are typically solitary animals, except for during mating or raising offspring.
  • Raccoons and possums both have a variety of natural rivals.
  • Their ability to adapt to human habitats lets them survive in urban settings, so they frequently occur there.


Raccoons and possums are separate animals with unique traits and roles in their respective ecosystems, although sharing some nocturnal behaviours and omnivorous diets. Possums have basic defence systems and essential pest-control abilities, while raccoons exhibit intellect and adaptability. Understanding these variations can help us have more tremendous respect for the wonderful diversity of life that coexists on our planet as we take in the animals around us. Raccoons and possums serve crucial functions in keeping ecological balance and remind us of the significance of protecting natural ecosystems for all living things, large and small.

Possums are the very reason for various infections because they are the carriers of the disease or infection-causing germs. It doesn’t take a lot of time for anybody to detect the pest infestation on their property, because they leave behind certain traces that will help them identify the presence of possums. But by then, the infestation level in your property might have gotten worse. So, it is necessary to keep an eye out for identifying the presence of possums on a regular basis. And also take necessary precautions to avoid their entry into your property. Be it a residential one or a commercial property, taking preventive measures is helpful. 

Do you know how to achieve such results? It’s by simply following certain DIY ways that will act as deterrents and prevent the entry of possums into your property. In this article, we help you in making the 5 best DIY possum deterrents to keep them away. 

5 Best DIY Possum Deterrents To Keep Them Away 

Here Is How You Can Deter The Possums 

Possums can invade your property like no other pest. Therefore, it’s necessary for anyone to take immediate action if they ever come across possum droppings, hear hissing noises, etc. Since possums are dwellers, it gets easier to attack them or install deterrents to prevent their entry at the common spots where they often reside. The following are the 5 best DIY possum deterrents to keep them away. These are the natural and most common deterrents that could possibly offer the best results: 

1. Sprinklers 

Consider getting water sprinklers because they are motion-sensitive devices. Such devices start to sprinkle water when they detect the sensation of movement. Therefore, one can efficiently deter the possums from moving around the property. These sprinklers can be installed in the garden, lawns, backyards, and wherever the chances of possums roaming around. 

Since possums are nocturnal animals, they usually creep around in the middle of the night while exploring your property for food. That’s when the sprinklers come in handy. Sprinklers are the perfect solution to deter the possums and keep your lawn and garden greener without having to worry about pests attacking them. 

2. Mothballs 

Mothballs are one more way for humane possum removal. Do you want to know how? Mothballs that are actually used to keep moths away can also be used to deter possums. Because certain mothballs have the stinkiest odour. Upon exposure to such a stinky smell, possums can get deterred by these. Hence you can simply keep them away from entering into your property. These mothballs can be kept in the common places where possums usually dwell. This can be anywhere including closed spaces such as garages, roofs, cupboards, cabinets, etc. Along with this, you can also place them at the entry points from where they can easily get access to the property. 

3. Quassia Chips 

Quassia chips made from the extracts of a tree named Picrasma excelsa are often considered a pest deterrent, especially for possums. This tree consists of resin that is named “Quassin”. This leaves an awful taste on the palate upon chewing. It’s the same for possums as well. Hence possums are extremely deterred by these and will not come across them when used as chips. Quassia chips as mentioned above are bitter since they are the bark of the tree. 

These chips are spread among various spits across the property. If not, there is another effective way for you to do the job. It’s by soaking the Quassia chips in a water container overnight. Later the soaked water can be transferred into a sprayer and is now sprayed all over the property. 

4. Molasses 

Molasses that are also known as Black treacle, can be the best possum deterrent. For this, all you need to do is dissolve the molasses in a litre of water. To it add washing liquid to enhance its properties. This solution works wonders for the pesky possums. This molasses solution is transferred into the bottle for spraying around. The solution upon spraying on the plants in the garden, especially on the leaves can help in deterring the possums. Possums when they try to feed on the garden leaves, it will taste bad. So, by this possums will never try to feed on your plants again. This way you can keep your lawns, backyards, and gardens safe from possums. 

5. Spicy Mix 

Similar to molasses which is the byproduct of sugar, you can use a spicy mix alternatively. For this, all you need to do is make a condition of all the spicy stuff that consists of strong condiments, garlic, chilli powder, etc. Even hot sauce or chilli oil can be used for effective outcomes. Any of the above-mentioned ingredients can be mixed in water in the right proportions along with dish soap. Now make sure to spray this solution on the areas you suspect the presence of possums. This will help in keeping the possums away from your property as it can give them a sensation because of the spice mix solution. 

These are the  5 best DIY possum deterrents to keep them away. By using these you will be able to actively deter the possums and protect your property. 


To conclude this, the above-mentioned are the  5 best DIY possum deterrents to keep them away. These DIY techniques can help you in keeping the possum count at bay and also get desired results. The best thing about these DIY methods is that all the techniques are free from harsh chemicals, non-toxic and eco-friendly. This will make it easier for you to try it on your own and protect your property from getting damaged by possums. Do try these methods for effective results and keep the possums under control by preventing their entry effectively. 

If you have an infestation of possums in your roof, it’s not just a matter of seeing them in the attic or ceiling. You need to detect some signs with the help of this article, How to Identify if You Have a Possum Infestation in Your Roof. The animals tend to hang around in attics and crawl spaces because they’re good at climbing. Possums can get into cracks and crevices in your roof that are difficult to access with standard tools. 

How To Identify If You Have A Possum Infestation In Your Roof

What You Need To Know About Possum

Possums are nocturnal animals that spend most of their time sleeping during the day and feeding on plants at night; (or even during broad daylight). They eat insects, worms, spiders and other invertebrates like insects or centipedes; fruits like berries; leaves from trees; flowers from shrubs; nectar from flowers (which means you shouldn’t let them near your houseplants); snakeskins as well as dead bodies. That last fact might not seem very appetizing but we have good news: You don’t need to worry about getting bitten by these fascinating creatures because they will only bite if provoked or threatened by humans trying to catch them alive before eating them raw with their own hands.” But hiring Possum Removal Service is necessary to prevent damage to household stuff. 

If you see them in or around your roof, then you have an infestation. In this article, there is more information about How to Identify if You Have a Possum Infestation in Your Roof. Read to know more!

How To Identify If You Have A Possum Infestation In Your Roof

1. Noises And Smell Because Of The Urine Smell

Dealing with an infestation is much more than just detection. One has to take the necessary steps to get rid of it, which could range from sealing small cracks and crevices to conducting regular Possum Inspections and maintenance. You may hear noises coming from above and smell a strong odour of urine if possums are living in your roof.

2. More Leaks And Damage, As They Chew

Possums will chew up shingles, which can eventually lead to leaks and damage at the seams between slates or tiles. In addition to chewing on things, possums also like licking things like plants. So, if you see them up there doing it (or smell their urine), you have an infestation. These leaks further may lead to more damage in your house. To protect your roof and property, you may need a Possum Pest Control Company. Professionals will let you know about everything related to How to Identify if You Have a Possum Infestation in Your Roof.

3. Scratches, Because Possums Are Good At Climbing

Possums can climb up the sides of buildings, trees, walls, and ceilings. Possums are good climbers, and they often hang out in attics and crawl spaces because they’re comfortable there. If you have a possum problem, look for signs of them climbing up your roof. You may have seen them climbing onto your neighbour’s house next door or over the fence between your yard & theirs.

They can climb trees (or anything with branches). So, if you see a possum on top of one at night, it’s likely that you will hire a Possum Removal Company to get rid of them professionally. Possums also have very strong claws that allow them to scale walls easily. So, watch out for any large scratches or holes in those areas.

4. Cracks And Crevices In Your Roof

Possums can access areas that are inaccessible to standard tools due to their ability to squeeze into tight spaces such as cracks and crevices. This is because possums are experts in climbing, and their claws are perfect for gripping the sides of a roof.

Possums also have an amazing ability to jump up to 4 feet. This means that if you see a possum on your roof, it’s likely been there for some time. And, you might need Professional Possum Controller help in order to get rid of it.

5. Odd Marks On Insulation May Be Signs Of A Possum Infestation

If you have a Possum Infestation, there may be signs of damage to your insulation. The first sign is usually a large hole in the ceiling or walls and/or flooring. This can cause water damage if not repaired quickly.

Possums are known for chewing through any material that they can get their teeth into. Even if it’s something as durable as glass panes. They’ll also chew through insulation materials like cellulose and polyester foam, which contain chemicals that could be toxic to humans if ingested over time.

There Are Many Different Signs Of This Problem That Can Be Hard To Spot Without The Right Equipment.

Possums can be hard to spot. You may not see it or you may be able to spot it, but a possum infestation can have many different signs. These signs can only be detected with expert help. 

There are several types of animals that have been known to cause damage in this area. Possums, rats and even chipmunks can all cause problems if they’re hungry enough. So, be sure that you are getting professional help from Possum Pest Management. You can also contact Possum Exterminators for removing the possums from your property. 


Possum infestations can be a serious problem, especially if you have children or pets in the house. If you think your roof might have a possum problem, it’s important to contact an Expert Possum Controller immediately. A Licensed Pest Control Company will be able to assess your situation and offer solutions that will keep your family safe from these pests while still maintaining their home’s value. Experts will guide you with more information about How to Identify if You Have a Possum Infestation in Your Roof.

Tip:- If you’ve had a severe storm recently, there’s a chance that your roof has become exposed and damaged by hail or other debris. This makes it easier for possums and other small animals to get inside your home since they don’t need much space once inside.

Identifying whether the noises coming from the roof are of rats or possums can be a tricky and daunting task. Both rodents can cause damage to your home, while possums can also be a nuisance. It is important to know the difference between the two to take the necessary action to protect your property and keep your family safe. Knowing the characteristics of the sounds they make, their size, and their behaviour can help you to determine whether the noises coming from the roof are of rats or possums. By understanding these key differences, you can take the appropriate action to prevent any potential damage and make sure that your family is safe. So, hire the best & affordable possum removal experts.

possum removal experts

How To Identify If It’s A Possum

Identifying if the voices coming from your roof are of possums can be difficult as possums are nocturnal animals and make a variety of vocalizations. So, here are some tips to help you identify if the voices are of possums:

1. Listen for high-pitched, repetitive chattering, which is a common sound possum make. These chattering noises sound like ‘chee-chee’ or ‘tchup-tchup’. 

2. Listen for loud screeching noises. Possums can make loud, guttural noises that sound like screaming or screeching. 

3. Listen for bird-once chirping noises. Possums also make bird-like chirping noises, which sound like ‘peep-peep’ or ‘chick-chick’.

4. Look around the area for possums. If you see possums around your house, then it is likely that the noises coming from your roof are of possums.

5. Look for possum droppings. Possums leave behind droppings that look like dark, round pellets. If you find possum droppings around your house, then it is likely that the noises coming from your roof are of possums. 

By following these tips, you should be able to determine if the voices coming from your roof are of possums.

How To Identify If Rats That Are Making Noises In The Roof

Identifying if the voices coming from the roof are of rats can be a difficult task. So, there are a few steps that can be taken to help identify if the noises are coming from rats. 

1. Listen closely to the noise – Rats make a wide variety of sounds, from squeaking and chattering to thumping and running noises. If the noise is intermittent and high-pitched, it is likely to be a rat. 

2. Inspect the area – Look around your roof for any signs of rats. Droppings, gnaw marks, and burrows are all signs of a rat infestation. 

3. Check for rat activity at night – Rats are nocturnal animals, so it’s more likely that you’ll hear them at night. Wait until evening and listen closely for any noises coming from the roof. 

4. Use a flashlight – Shine a flashlight into the area and look for any movement. Rats are easily startled, so they may run away as soon as they see the light.

5. Set up a live trap – If you suspect that rats are living on your roof, setting up a live trap can help confirm it. Place the trap in the area and check it periodically. If you find a rat in the trap, you’ll know that they are the source of the noise. 

Identifying if the voices coming from the roof are of rats can be a difficult task. However, by taking the time to listen closely to the noise, inspecting the area, checking for rat activity at night, using a flashlight, and setting up a live trap, you can more easily identify if the noises are coming from rats.


Identifying if the voices coming from the roof are from rats or possums is an important step in determining the best course of action for removal and prevention. If the voices are from rats, you will likely need to consult a humane possum removal specialist to set traps and other extermination measures. If the voices are from possums, you may need to install exclusion barriers and hire a Humane Possum Removal Perth specialist to safely remove the possum from your home. So, to identify which it is, listen closely to the sound and determine if it is coming from above or below the ceiling.

Found possum scratch marks in the house can be a worrying sight for any homeowner. Possums are wild animals. And if they’re roaming around your house, they could be causing damage. They are carrying diseases, and even endangering your family. Knowing what to do when you find possum scratch marks in your house is an important part of being a responsible homeowner. Possums can be destructive, and it’s important to take steps to prevent them from entering your home. In this article, we’ll discuss what to do if you find possum scratch marks in your house? How to prevent them from coming back? How to keep your home safe from possums? Knowing what to do and how to protect your family from these wild animals is essential for any homeowner. 

Found Possum Scratch Marks In House What To Do

Why do possums scratch surfaces and make your house ugly

1. Possums scratch walls or other things at home to mark their territory.

2. They have scent glands in their feet. So, when they scratch they are leaving behind a scent.

3. Possums also use scratching to remove material from the surface of the wall. This may be necessary to make room for a nest.

4. Scratching can also help possums to stay sharp and maintain their claws.

5. Scratching can sometimes be a sign of boredom. So providing more toys or sources of entertainment can help reduce the amount of scratching.

What is to be done when you find Possum scratches on different surfaces in your house

  • When possums are looking for shelter, they will often use their claws to scratch at wood, metal, and other surfaces. These scratch marks can range in size and severity and may be accompanied by other signs of possum activity such as droppings, footprints, and fur accompanied with dirt. If you have found possum scratch marks in or around your house, it is important to take Humane Possum Removal Perth steps. These can help you to remove the possum and prevent it from returning. 
  • The first step in dealing with possum scratch marks is to identify the source of the problem. If the possum is living in your attic or other space, it is important to properly seal all entry points. This includes repairing any holes or cracks in your home’s exterior wall and installing a one-way door or another exclusion device. If the possum is living in your yard, you may need to remove or trim any trees or shrubs that are providing shelter for the animal.
  • After identifying the source of the problem, it is important to remove any possum scratch marks and clean up any other possum-related debris. If the marks are on wood, you can use a wood cleaner to remove them. For metal surfaces, use a metal cleaner and fine steel wool. Once you have removed the marks, use a sealant to protect the surface from future damage.
  • Finally, it is important to take steps to prevent future possum activity. Possums love food sources, so avoid leaving pet food or other food sources outside. Additionally, make sure that all possible entry points into your home, such as windows and doors, are properly sealed. If you have a yard, it is also important to maintain it and remove any potential hiding places for possums.


In conclusion, if you have found possum scratch marks in your house, it is important to take the necessary steps to prevent a possum infestation. The best way to do this is to ensure that your home is securely sealed and that all potential entry points, such as vents and chimneys, are blocked off. Additionally, it is important to store all the food sources securely and tight your garbage cans lids. If you have taken all of these precautions and still find possum scratch marks in your house, it is best to contact a professional Humane Possum Removal Perth specialist to safely and humanely remove any possums from your home.

Possums can be a nuisance to many homeowners, as they can often get into ceilings or roofs and cause damage to your house. Not only are they noisy, but they can also carry several diseases. They can get into your home through small cracks and crevices. If you’ve noticed a possum getting into your ceiling or roof, there are some steps you can take. These steps can help you stop them from getting in.

One of the most effective ways to keep possums out of your ceiling or roof is to make sure that all entry points are sealed. Check your roof, eaves, and walls for any cracks or holes. You can use caulk or other materials to close them up. Make sure to use materials that are weatherproof and long-lasting. As possums can be quite persistent in their attempts to get in. Additionally, you can use mesh or wire to cover up potential entry points or you can hire a professional roof possum removal service.

How To Stop Possums Getting Into Your Ceiling Or Roof

Potential reasons why Possums want to get into your house:

1. Possums are naturally curious creatures, so they often explore their surroundings, including going into your ceiling or roof. 

2. Possums are also great climbers, so they can easily access these areas. 

3. Possums may be looking for a safe, dry place to sleep and nest.

4. Possums love warmth and shelter, making your ceiling or roof an ideal location.

5. Possums may also be drawn to the scent of food. So if you have stored food in your ceiling or roof, they may be drawn to it. 

6. Possums may also be attracted to the scent of your pets or other animals. So if there are any in your home, they may be drawn to the scent and enter your ceiling or roof. 

7. If there is a hole or an opening in your ceiling or roof, possums may be able to squeeze through and enter your home. 

8. Possums may also love the dark, quiet environment of your ceiling or roof and may consider it a safe place to hide.

What are the potential things you could do to keep Possums out of your roof:

  • The first thing you should do is seal up any potential entry points, such as holes and cracks. Look for any gaps or holes that a possum could fit through, and fill them with steel mesh or another durable material. Be sure to check around windows, doors, and vents, as these can also be possible entry points. 
  • You should also consider installing deterrents such as motion-activated lights or ultrasonic repellents. Motion-activated lights will scare away possums when they detect movement, while ultrasonic repellents will send out high-frequency sounds that possums find unpleasant, but that humans can’t hear. 
  • If you have a yard, make sure to keep it clean and tidy. Remove any potential food sources such as fallen fruit and birdseed, as these can attract possums. If you have compost bins, make sure to keep them securely lidded. 
  • If you have possums in your ceiling or roof, it’s best to call a professional Roof, Under Deck or Backyard Possum Removal Perth company to handle the removal. Professionals have the necessary skills and equipment to safely and humanely remove possums from your home.
  • Finally, it’s important to remember that possums are protected animals in many states, so it’s illegal to harm or kill them. If you have a possum in your home, contact your local animal control or Humane Possum Removal Perth center for help.


In conclusion, possums can be a nuisance, and it’s important to take steps to prevent them from entering your home. Seal up any potential entry points, such as holes and cracks in your roof and ceiling. You should also consider installing deterrents such as motion-activated lights or ultrasonic repellents. Make sure to keep your yard clean and tidy, and remove any potential food sources. If you have possums in your home, contact a professional Humane Possum Removal Perth company or your local animal control or wildlife rehabilitation centre. By taking these steps, you can help keep possums out of your home and prevent them from causing damage or spreading diseases.

Have you ever heard of a possum in your garden? It might be eating plants and, then, pooping all over the place! But, what to do if you find a possum in your garden. Not much you can do at the moment – just wait for it to leave by itself!

Remove Possum From Your Garden

Why There Is A Possum In Your Garden?

If you find a possum in your garden, the first thing you should do is call your local animal control. Possums are wild animals and can easily injure or kill humans if they are not handled correctly. If you can catch the possum, try to release it back into the wild. If you cannot catch the possum, you should try to scare it off by making loud noises and throwing objects at it. If that does not work, you may have to call animal control.

Getting Rid Of A Possum

If you find a possum in your garden, the first thing you should do is call your local animal control office. Possums are not native to the area and may have escaped from a wildlife rehabilitation center or some other place where they were being kept. If the possum is healthy and doesn’t appear to be injured, you can try to capture it yourself using one of these methods: 

– Place food near where the possum is hiding and wait until it comes out to eat. When it does, grab it by its tail and hold on tight.

– Make a “possum proof” fence by planting tall grass or shrubs along the perimeter of your garden. The fence will keep the possum out and will also make it easier to capture if you need to.

– Use a bell or a loud noise to scare the possum away. If that doesn’t work, use a spray bottle filled with water and vinegar or ammonia to spritz the possum. Be careful not to get too close – contact with these substances can cause serious harm.

Preventions And Solutions For More Possums In The Future

If you live in an area where possums are common, there are a few things you can do to help keep them away from your garden. First and foremost, do not feed them. Second, make sure your garden is properly fenced in so the possums cannot get in. Third, keep your garbage cans covered so the possums cannot get to food scraps. Finally, make sure any openings in your home or garden that the possums could use to enter are closed off.


If you find a possum in your garden, there are a few things you should do in order to ensure the animal’s safety and the safety of your plants. First and foremost, make sure that the possum is safe — if it appears injured or sick, please call a professional. If it can’t be moved safely or if it’s causing damage to your plants, then you will need to try to catch the possum. To do this, use a bucket filled with water and place it near where the possum is hiding. The Possum will likely climb into the bucket, and you can then take it away for release into a suitable habitat. Finally, please dispose of any food that was left by the Possum — this includes fruit but also nuts and other seeds.

Hire Professional Possum Removal Company

If you find a possum in your garden, the best thing to do is to hire a professional pest control company. Possums are destructive creatures and will quickly tear up any plants or flowers in your garden. A professional possum removal company can quickly remove the possum from your garden and prevent any further damage.

Possums are great at climbing, but they can also be destructive when it comes to their habitat. Here are some tips for keeping them away from your roof and, in turn, maintaining a safe home:

Possums From Getting Up On Your Roof

What Are Possums?

Possums are marsupials that are native to Australia. They are a small, fat creature that is usually brown with black markings. Possums live in colonies and can be found in many areas of the country.

Possums are known for their ability to climb trees quickly and easily. This makes them a nuisance for homeowners because they can get up on your roof and destroy your homes.

There are ways to keep possums from getting up on your roof and destroying your homes. Here are some tips:

-Install a predator guard: One way to keep possums from getting up on your roof is to install a predator guard. This is a device that hangs from the tree branch next to your home and scares away possums by imitating a predator animal like a fox or hawk. You can find these guards at most home improvement stores.

-Install screens: Another way to keep possums from getting up on your roof is to install screens. This will prevent them from entering your home through the windows or doors. You can find screens at most home improvement stores or online.

Why Do Possums Get Up On Your Roof?

Possums are obligate climbers and have a keen sense of smell and movement. When they spot something to eat, whether food or a new place to live, they’ll try to get up on the roof. Once there, possums will start searching for cracks and crevices where they can nest and escape from predators. 

There are some things you can do to keep possums from getting up on your roof: 

-Keep an eye out for possum activity in your yard or neighborhood; if you notice them on your roof, take steps to remove them. 

-Install a wildlife exclusion device such as a live exclusion mesh or a netting system around the perimeter of your home. Wildlife exclusion devices help keep possums off of your property by creating a physical barrier between them and the home. 

-If you can’t install a wildlife exclusion device, seal all openings around the perimeter of the home using weather stripping and caulking. This will help keep critters out but won’t stop possums from climbing onto the roof.

How Can You Keep Possums Off Your Roof?

There are a few things that you can do in order to deter possums from getting up on your roof and destroying your homes. You can install a wildlife-proof roofing system, get a cat or dog, use repellents, or set up barriers. Here are some of the best ways to keep possums off your roof:

Wildlife Proof Roofing System: This is by far the most successful way to keep possums off your roof. A wildlife-proof system is made up of several layers of material, including a rubber membrane, underlayment, shingles, and flashing. The purpose of this system is to prevent animals from climbing up onto the roof and getting trapped inside. A wildlife proof roofing system typically costs around $5,000, but it is definitely worth it in order to keep your home safe from possums

Install Motion Detectors: These sensors will send an alert if there is movement inside or outside the monitored area, which will allow you to take appropriate action (e.g., call a affordable possum removal company).

Use A Wildlife Repeller: These devices use sonic waves to disrupt the communication between nuisance wildlife (like possums) and their natural prey (in this case other animals like birds).

Educate Yourself And Your Neighbors About Possum Behavior: Teach them about why possums might be coming into your yard and warn them not to feed them or give them water.

Get A Cat Or Dog: If you don’t want to install a wildlife proof roofing system or you don’t have the money for it, another option is to get a cat or dog. These animals are known for being very good at deterring possums from getting near homes. 


Possums are cute, cuddly animals that deserve to be treated humanely. Unfortunately, some people don’t understand this and end up treating possums badly. This often leads to them getting angry and aggressive, which is how possums end up getting on roofs in the first place. All the tips mentioned above will help you keep possums off your roof and out of your home.

Possums are one of the most common and most troublesome nuisance animals to have around your home. They love to raid garbage cans and your gardens from time to time, and they’re also prone to eating bird’s eggs and killing cats. In this blog article, find out what you can do if a possum invades your yard!

Keep Possums Away From Your Home

What Are Possums?

Possums are small, furry animals that live in the forests of Australia. They are known for their ability to climb trees and for their habit of raiding gardens and farmhouses.

There are several ways to keep possums away from your home. One way is to use a noise deterrent. This can be anything from a barking dog to a loud noise device that blasts sound waves into the air.

Another way to keep possums away from your home is to set up a fence. A good fence will keep the possums out, but you can also set up a netting system that allows you tocatch them without having to get close to the fence.

Finally, you can use repellents to keep possums away from your home. These repellents work by causing the possum to become sickened or angry, which will make it want to stay away from your home.

How to Get Rid of Possums in a Home

One of the most common methods for getting rid of possums in a home is to trap them. You can use a variety of traps to catch possums, including spring traps, live traps, and cage traps.

The best way to trap possums is to set the trap early in the morning or late at night when they are most active. You can also place the trap near food sources that the possum is likely to visit, such as bird feeders or pet food dishes.

If you do not want to trap the possum, you can try harassment tactics. This involves making noise and frightening the possum away from your home. You can also try throwing objects at the possum or spraying it with water.

How to Keep Possums Away From Your Home

One of the easiest ways to keep possums away from your home is to install a fence. This will help to keep the possums out of your garden and off of your property. You can also install barriers that keep the possums out of your garden. You can also use repellents to keep the possums away. Some repellents work better than others, so it is important to test them before using them in large areas.

Where do you find Possums In Australia?

One of the ways you can try to keep possums away from your home is to find out where they are located in Australia. You can do this by looking online or contacting a wildlife control company.

Another way to keep possums away from your home is to make sure that there are no food sources available for them. This means keeping all trash inside and removing any food items that have been left outside. You can also try putting up bird feeders in areas that you know are frequented by possums, and make sure they are clean and free of debris.


Possums are some of the most destructive creatures in Australia, and they love to raid gardens and other areas where food is stored. There are a few steps you can take to keep possums away from your home, and we’ve listed them below. If you need any help implementing these tips, don’t hesitate to reach out our professional possum removal experts.