Effective Ways To Keep Possums Away From Your Home

Keep Possums Away From Your Home

Possums are one of the most common and most troublesome nuisance animals to have around your home. They love to raid garbage cans and your gardens from time to time, and they’re also prone to eating bird’s eggs and killing cats. In this blog article, find out what you can do if a possum invades your yard!

Keep Possums Away From Your Home

What Are Possums?

Possums are small, furry animals that live in the forests of Australia. They are known for their ability to climb trees and for their habit of raiding gardens and farmhouses.

There are several ways to keep possums away from your home. One way is to use a noise deterrent. This can be anything from a barking dog to a loud noise device that blasts sound waves into the air.

Another way to keep possums away from your home is to set up a fence. A good fence will keep the possums out, but you can also set up a netting system that allows you tocatch them without having to get close to the fence.

Finally, you can use repellents to keep possums away from your home. These repellents work by causing the possum to become sickened or angry, which will make it want to stay away from your home.

How to Get Rid of Possums in a Home

One of the most common methods for getting rid of possums in a home is to trap them. You can use a variety of traps to catch possums, including spring traps, live traps, and cage traps.

The best way to trap possums is to set the trap early in the morning or late at night when they are most active. You can also place the trap near food sources that the possum is likely to visit, such as bird feeders or pet food dishes.

If you do not want to trap the possum, you can try harassment tactics. This involves making noise and frightening the possum away from your home. You can also try throwing objects at the possum or spraying it with water.

How to Keep Possums Away From Your Home

One of the easiest ways to keep possums away from your home is to install a fence. This will help to keep the possums out of your garden and off of your property. You can also install barriers that keep the possums out of your garden. You can also use repellents to keep the possums away. Some repellents work better than others, so it is important to test them before using them in large areas.

Where do you find Possums In Australia?

One of the ways you can try to keep possums away from your home is to find out where they are located in Australia. You can do this by looking online or contacting a wildlife control company.

Another way to keep possums away from your home is to make sure that there are no food sources available for them. This means keeping all trash inside and removing any food items that have been left outside. You can also try putting up bird feeders in areas that you know are frequented by possums, and make sure they are clean and free of debris.


Possums are some of the most destructive creatures in Australia, and they love to raid gardens and other areas where food is stored. There are a few steps you can take to keep possums away from your home, and we’ve listed them below. If you need any help implementing these tips, don’t hesitate to reach out our professional possum removal experts.

Published on: July 15, 2022

Last updated on: July 14, 2023